Fixing the Inside First
This morning I went into a business I frequent occasionally. The lady behind the counter was courteous in her greeting. I asked her how her day was going and she immediately pointed to this stack of papers on her desk.
‘You see this pile of papers here. It was this high yesterday (as she held her hand in position to demonstrate how tall the stack was) and now it’s this high” (as she held her hand lower to the desk surface to indicate the amount of progress she had made.)
She smiled real big and followed with, “So it’s going great.”
I smiled back and gave her the ole, ‘Way to go’, sign as I moved on to my intended reason for being there.
She was super proud of her progress and you could tell she took pride in her work. I watched her a little as I finished up and could tell she was a pleasure to work with and dealt with each customer as if they were super important, because she understood they were. She told me goodbye as I left and I went on my way.
It made me feel good to know that there was a lady who gets it. She was pleasant because of what was inside, not what was outside. The working environment didn’t seem that great but her attitude was.
So many times you see people who base their ‘internal mood calibration system’ on what’s happening outside, not inside. Happiness, like so many other feelings are based not on external circumstances but internal solitude.
The best way to find that internal peace is to start with a sound physical system, your body. Keep your body healthy, flexible, and strong.
This will aid that ‘internal mood calibration system’ to more likely be on the ‘my pleasure’ setting versus the ‘no problem’ setting.
I know you’ve dealt with people at restaurant or stores. You finish the transaction, you say thank you and they say ‘no problem’.
Why did they have to bring a problem in it? Were they being bothered or something?
So let’s get working on the outside so we can fix the inside.
Keep Kicking and God Bless!